Monday, June 06, 2005

Is one really the Loneliest Number? News at 11...

Good fellow Jason invited me here following my sending him a link to some thoughts of mine I'd posted at my blog. It somehow seems fitting to include a link to the insanity that spawned my arrival.

For the vast majority who I am sure are not familiar with me, my name is Kevin Turner. I'm currently attending Messiah College down in Grantham, PA. I live approximately thirty miles west of Boston in Natick, MA. I am currently without denomination, though I was raised in first a Presbytirian church, then a Baptist, followed by a non-denomination that later became an Evangelical Free church. In my search for a home church/denomination I've been attending Dillburg Brethern in Christ near my college, while leaning heavily towards a liturgical tradition or Orthodoxy.

*deep breath*

You don't have to read very deeply into my blog to see that I love video games a lot, and that I struggle ever so much with being oblivious, ignorant, and opinionated. I like thinking a little too thoroughly about really small things. If my overly detailed discussion of whether or not one is the loneliest number wasn't indicative of that, I don't know what would be.

The video games I am currently playing are the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Armored Core 3, Front Mission 3, Dynasty Warriors 5, and Grand Theft Auto 3.

Anyway, that's a large info-dump. Be sure to tell me what you think of my odd thoughts concerning the number one and it's loneliness.


Blogger v said...

is there a link to your thing of one being the lonliest number?

(I'm kinda new to blogspot culture, I just got an account so I could steal code...)

but anyways, first I would say, PLAY ONE GAME AT A TIME... master and completely beat one game, then move on to the next, just my advice as a former hardcore gamer... I would go to Blockbuster rent games and beat then that weekend, or if I owned a game I would complete it, meaning that I would unlock ALL secrets in the game, before moving on to the next... but anyways...

there was a year where I set aside videogames to transform my concept of fun, from playing videogames to spending time with people, so in essence I just really pretty much stopped playing games, and used the time instead to spend it investing in the lives of others... visiting people, IMing people, calling them up to see how they're doing, organizing events, stuff like that... and yeah, it worked I guess...

12:11 AM  

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