Wednesday, July 06, 2005

concerning comments:
If you guys want, I can set it up so that whenever someone makes a new post or a comment, you will get an email notification. Of course, I would still prefer to have our conversations in the main "room" of the tavern (heheh) rather than in the comment threads.

Oh, and for all of the quiet members out there, I would still love to hear your thoughts. But, in case you don't know what to talk about, here are some ideas (not necessarily those of the author) that you can respond to. Oh, and (to make things interesting) you can only discuss these topics if:
1) You have posted less than 5 times total, and no one else has started the discussion. That means me, Jason, Matoushin, and Albert cannot start a discussion on these.
2) You have posted 5 or more times, but someone has already began a discussion.
3) You have posted 5 or less times.
4) You are a visitor on the site. (Leave a comment.)

SO, that means if any of us talkative folks want to talk about these things, we need to wait for someone else to talk about them, or we need to urge others to discuss them (member or visitor).

OK, here's the topics:
- "Modern worship music may sound great, but it really lacks in theological content, and therefore should not be sung in churches, fellowships, etc.."
- "'Left Behind' and despensational premillenialism are crap as eschatological views, and are the result of bad readings of the Bible (bad exegesis and hermeneutics)."
- "Christian -> Republican."
- "The emergent church movement is dangerous and should be opposed by all real Christians."
- "I do not like cats. They are a curse upon the world, and must be extinguished."
- "Reformed theology is the theology most faithful to the texts of the Bible."
- "Dave Fong should grow his hair back." (Related: "Jason should stay bald.")
- "John Piper's Christian Hedonism is a dangerous movement in modern theology."
- "Young Earth Creationism is the only valid reading of the creation texts."
- "Small groups suck." (See here)
- "Linux > Mac > Windows."
- "Homosexuality is not morally wrong, and all these Conservative jerks are just being mean and unloving and Pharisaical."
- "Joel Osteen is brilliant and represents the best of Christianity."
- "Norcal > Socal."
- "Christians need to learn to stop using their own Christian lingo all the time."
- "Catholics are really Christians too."

Ok, all you quiet people: time to start talking. My hands are now tied, so please start something here.


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