Tuesday, July 12, 2005


In general, dogs are more attention-loving, and need you to care for them. It's that need that creates that bond between owner and dog .I'm only hypothesizing, as I've never had a dog, but have always wanted one; I'm also basing this on past pets I've had - goldfish, pigeons (which, uh, we ate...I didn't know till college that we ate them when I was little!!! Oy...we're so Chinese...>_<), an alligator lizard (skink), a few grasshoppers, a praying mantis, a beta fish...and more recently, a scaley headed pionus parrot that flew away, and currently, 87, our California desert tortoise.

If I was to have a dog, I'd like one of those little terrier types. Intelligent and fun. =) A bigger dog...I'd only make exceptions for labradors/retrievers. =)

The best pet I've had was Emily though. She was the smartest, most beautiful parakeet that ever existed in the world. Yep. ^_^


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